It's time to take a deeper look at these mysterious asteroids.
This service is specialized to the divine feminine asteroids Ceres, Athena, Juno, Lilith and Vesta. This is not information that is easily found online. Ceres pertains to our eating habits and how we are nurtured and nourished in life. A blocked Ceres can lead to weight problems and eating disorders. Athena is considered to be the "female mercury" as she has to deal with learning, teaching and writing. She represents our feminine intellect and also how we fight for justice. Juno is the asteroid of marriage and represents who we are as a life partner and what attributes we bring to a marriage partnership. Lilith is the dark feminine archetype that represents the power of our unconscious mind. Lilith shows us how we may repress anger and resentment, but also how we can own our dark side without shame. Vesta is the ruler of the home and the hearth and represents our sense of devotion and how we express that devotion. She also depicts how we "make a home" for ourselves and others.
In a nutshell these asteroids determine how we express our feminine energy and where our feminine energies may be blocked or repressed. Since these energies lie deep within the unconscious mind, it is important to bring conscious awareness to them.
*All pre-recorded readings take up to 12 days from purchase date to be delivered to your email address.
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