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Where is your next destination?


Traveling is a spiritual experience. A lot of the time we are called to certain locations around the globe to activate and experience different portals of creation. Traveling can actually fix timelines as traveling is a form of time travel!  If things are turning stagnantin your sphere and things are becoming more redundant, you may need a vacation to an aligned destination. This is where Astrocartography comes in. This is an old ancient way of calculating planetary lines such as Venus, Sun, Moon etc on the earth grid to see what locations on the map would be a match for our energetic blueprint. It's actually quite brilliant. This explains why we may feel good in some cities and horrible in others. Energetically you are either aligned with that city, the energy will be vague, or it will be discordant. 


We will highlight certain cities, countries, and states as locations you should visit on your travels. If you are interested in relocation we can also determine places for you to find a new home. 


If you are a traveler at heart and love to explore the world, why not explore with Astrology in mind? It will make your trips so much more interesting. Also, if you are thinking about relocating to a new city, this is something you must look into first! We will be able to tell you the odds of you finding the happiness you are looking for in this city. Let us be your guiding light in making your most important life decisions. Book your Astro Relocation Consultation today!


*All pre-recorded readings take up to 10 days from purchase date to be delivered to your email address. 

🌍 Travel Astrology: Astrocartography

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